News Views & Ideas

A Progressive Alliance – What’s in a Name?

Many argue that the only chance of there being a Labour led government after the next elections is via a ‘progressive alliance’. An agreement between Labour, Liberal democrats and the ‘progressive nationalist’ SNP and Plaid Cymru. Is this democratically desirable? If it is would be be possible to create one and what form would it take?

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Build Back Better in Brighton and Hove

Brighton and Hove Compass have launched a campaign to Build Back Better in the City and we are seeking signatures from residents and people who work in the City. While terrible, the Covid-19 crisis provides an opportunity to create a new and better ‘normal’ – and we think Brighton and Hove is the ideal place to set this in motion as we face an uncertain future.

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Citizen-Led Change

Today we proudly launch our new pamphlet ‘Participation at 45 degrees: techniques for citizen-led change’.
We argue that we urgently need to create a more participatory and deliberative democracy and explore the role of participatory practice in supporting the change.

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The Will Of The People?

What does ‘will of the people’ actually mean? Here are some numbers about the EU referendum and why, on their own, plebiscites are not a good way of involving citizens in important decision.

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Can We Save Democracy?

Democracy is under threat, our current laissez faire approach is leading to social fragmentation and polarisation. A communities’ capacity for democratic decision-making is inescapably linked to the extent to which their members can learn, reflect on, and exchange ideas in an objective manner. ‘Communities should have more quality-assured deliberative events that will empower them to select public policies and representatives’

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Hands touching

Democracy a Work in Progress

Community Development Practitioner Matt Scott argues that:
1. democracy needs closer definition
2. to meet the challenges presented by technology we need to move from our existing. Victorian based systems
3. democracy is about community development, where local ties and collective action need to come to the fore in order for democracy to haver all meaning in peoples lives

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